Module 3 – Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare systems in the 4 nations of the UK
Module 3 of the UK Covid-19 public inquiry formally opened in 8th November 2022. It will consider the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare systems in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. This will include an examination of the consequences for healthcare systems as a result of the government’s response to Covid-19. It will also examine the capacity of healthcare systems to respond to a pandemic and how this evolved during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also will consider the primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare sectors and services, and the experience of healthcare during the pandemic through illustrative accounts. Finally, it will examine healthcare-related inequalities (such as death rates, PPE, and oximeters), with further detailed consideration in separate designated modules.
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Preliminary Hearings
February 28th 23’ – Ronan Lavery, Counsel for the Northern Ireland Bereaved Families for Justice, opened raising concerns around rule 10 requests for permission of questioning. Lavery explained the unique perspective Northern Ireland has, due to the combined health and social care model and the weak healthcare system in Northern Ireland that was there even before the pandemic.
September 27th 23’ – Maire-Claire McDermott, Counsel for the Northern Ireland Bereaved Families for Justice, extended the thoughts of the bereaved families to the Counsel to the Inquiry. This included the belief of many of the families that their loved ones got Covid-19 because nothing was done to prevent it in the healthcare system. Ms McDermott closed by stating the healthcare system in Northern Ireland was neglected prior to the pandemic which was the cause for its catastrophic failure.
April 10th 24’ – Jacob Bindman, Counsel for the Northern Ireland Bereaved Families for Justice, set the scene of the unique and integrated healthcare system in Northern Ireland. He followed this by voicing the wishes of the bereaved, that there would be a forensic examination as to how each health and social care trust responded to the pandemic. He reinstated our request for more information from the chief executives of the five health trusts, including the level of communication and the efficiency of their relationships. He finished by exemplifying our reasoning for more examination into the Northern Irish health and social care trusts and the spotlighting hospitals.
Public Hearings will run from Monday 9th September 2024 – Thursday 28th November 2024 with a break between Monday 14th – Friday 25th October 2024.
The hearings will take place at Dorland House, 121 Westwood London, W2 6BU.
For more information about this module please visit the Covid Inquiry website for the provisional outline of scope: Module 3 Provisional Outline of Scope - UK Covid-19 Inquiry (covid19.public-inquiry.uk)
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